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 火柴盒隨身碟 ..... 2010-05-15

一根火柴棒能有5GB的資料儲存空間 ? 別懷疑 , 看了以下資料你就會了解創意的空間是如何的無遠弗屆 !

你也許看過各型各式的隨身碟 , 但是你看過火柴盒造型的隨身碟嗎 ?

網格式的表面 , 其實是用來資料傳輸的 !

每根火柴棒都有5GB的儲存空間 , 數數看共有多少支 ?

每根火柴棒都可以抽出來單獨使用喔 !

想要分享你的資料嗎 ? 只要將火柴棒接觸傳輸面就可以了 .

Now the stick turns into burned black match, making it possible to give it to another Phillu owner to share
your data without the need of any computer in between.

以下是原文使用說明 .

There are 9 removable match-shaped sticks, each has a 5 GB storage capacity, integrated to the device.
For transferring data from each stick to another Phillu is only possible until you light them.

How to transfer data by sticks?

* Push the case from behind to choose and pick an avalaible stick.

* Put the stick head at the end of the striker.

* Strike the stick quickly along the striker adding pressure.

Now the stick turns into burned black match, making it possible to give it to another Phillu owner to share
your data without the need of any computer in between.

Sharing your data with others will be completed after they plug in the stick to their own Phillu.

Do not let kids play with matches! ( 別讓孩子使用火柴 )

原文網址 : PHillu

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